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Yazıcı answers Karpov

The President of Turkish Chess Federation, Ali Nihat YAZICI, has sent an open letter to FIDE Presidential Campaign Anatoly Karpov today. Open Letter has been published in many serious websites.

Yazici letter was like that:

Letter by Ali Nihat Yazici (source: chessbase)

Dear Mr. Anatoly Karpov,
Ex World Champion and candidate for 2010 FIDE President Post,

Dear Sir,

As I told you personally in Rijeka, at breakfast, we all respect you as a World Champion, as chess lovers. I wish you very good luck (you need a lot..., and it does not work in this business) for the upcoming FIDE elections.

I have read your letter, and saw that again either you do not read all these releases in the chess media (very bad for a candidate) or your words do not represent what is the truth.

Mr. Karpov, in your letter you mention that your opponent did not get any support letter from a voting federation. You missed a federation, my federation, the Turkish Chess Federation. I would like to understand if you do not care about that, or if your team (if there is one) does not inform you about that. I attach this link for you to see it.

On the other hand, sure we will vote for the best candidate we believe, for the sake of chess. But I cannot see in your letter anything you want to do except attack our current President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

May I ask you kindly to be on the level of the respect you desire from all your fans, stop this negative campaign and tell us clearly what you want to do. Please do not tell us your allegations (I was insulted by you accusation that I was a "corrupt FIDE management member" – that is still on your website), it is shame to hear such as incredible untruth stories from such as legend. We still await a strong apology from you as a legend, this attitude is clearly not fair play.

Mr. Karpov, do not tell me please, like you said in the Sofia Press Conference, as answer you do not want to go to details. In your campaign website you say that the FIDE Management is corrupt.


I do not believe that a FIDE presidential candidate should attack everyone around the world with unreal accusations, You say that you will unite the world, but look what you have been doing in your campaign by accusing people with such as allegations.

And after the election when we shake each other hands (I hope you will be able to do it) you will understand those miscalculations. The FIDE Management has never in the history been as good as it is now, and believe me, when we win, it will be even better.

Best regards,
Ali Nihat YAZICI
President of Turkish Chess Federation
Vice President of FIDE